Japanese anime gay sex

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Mira also then finds out that he is adopted and that his father has decided to marry a famous actress. And the son of the famous actress also has a love interest in Mira. So yeah, by now you probably get what I was saying earlier. The story sets place in a post-war Tokyo. Tokyo has been overtaken by an organization called Vischio. The organization renamed Tokyo to Toshima. Vischio designs a game for the citizens to play called Igura. Igura is a deadly game where the last man standing wins.

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However, it is not the only game, another game which prohibits murder and weapons called rises. The main character of this gay anime Akira is one of the top contenders of Until one day he is convicted of murder and forced to play the deadly Igura game in order to prove his innocence and survive. Yukiya Ayase is an innocent and kind university student who one day gets sold by his relative. His relative Tetsuo was in debt, and in order to repay his debt, he sold Ayase to the highest bidder. During the auction, Ayase is bought by Somuku Kanou for 1.2 billion. Somuku Kanou bought Ayase in order to “save” him and apparently knows Ayase from somewhere.

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